Friday, January 22, 2010

Disillusionment of ten o'clock

To me this poem showed imagination. At ten o"clock its dark, and that is when your imagination comes out to play. He lists vivid colors and talks about baboons. He also mentions
and describes "haunted house of white nightgowns" which is what the common person would imagine at night, so perhaps the more disillusioned you are, the more imagination you have. We should all indulge in our disillusions more and perhaps the would would be a more imaginative place.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today was a very interesting class. I realized I was reading on a very shallow level. I didn't realize the demonic hints in Oats' story and was completely blown away by the very idea. I had read the Demon Lover prior to class, but the version I read was a short story that had the same story line of the beautiful poem we read in class today, but was very different. The version I read was about a women named Mrs. Drover, and I enjoyed the short story very much.
I realize now that there are a lot of underlying subjects in most literature, and I am hoping I will be able to perceive this better in the future. I do like how Oats told her version of the Pied Piper of Tuscon through the eyes of the victim. The descriptions of Arnold was very good, it mad me fear Arnold even more.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh Connie

So I read "Where are you going, Where have you been?" And I asked myself what is so special about this story? I felt like I was watching another dateline show, where you hear about young girls being taken advantage of , or have been missing for years and their parents never gave up on them. To me Connie is a retelling of young girls today, trying to spread her own wings and thinks she knows whats best for herself. Arnold seems to be a smart creep, he plays into Connie's vanities and lures her in. The writer doesn't really end the story, but if you research the pied Piper of Tuscon you will find out the ending. I feel like I need to look deeper into the story, but I am not sure what i should be looking for. ......Any suggestions?

The First day of class!

So being a transfer student and not being able to sign up for classes the Monday before classes started, the first week for me was stressful and unorganized.When I walked into Lit 110 I had no idea what to expect, my adviser had told me that Sexson was considered to be one of the best teachers on the campus and to make sure I signed up for his class. So far she has been right, the first day of class was fun and inviting ( besides the announcement of reading Russian literature for the semester). I look forward to learning in this environment and being taught how to think deeper.