Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The last blog(besides my paper)

In this class I have learned not only about books and mythology, but a lot about life. I know the story about Lot's wife is so simple but I have never understood why it was in the bible. Reading it in the class I learned the importance to always look forward, that is a lesson that I can only hope to achieve. It is so easy to get caught up in the past without looking forward. The Brothers Karamazov taught me the importance of suffering. Each character in the book had a story of suffering to tell.I learned that we are all responsible for each other. Wow, what a burden that puts on my chest, I guess Gandhi was on to something when you said you must be the change you want in the world. So the difference this class has made in my life is cosmic. I know this is going to sound cheesy but perhaps the point to the story is, that you might just be a better person. Because how do you know what you think till you see what you say? I want to read other peoples thoughts so I can know what I think.

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