Monday, April 5, 2010


I finished reading Brothers Karamazov, over spring break. I just finished re-reading the chapter Rebellion. Ivan brings up a very deep and good questions in this chapter. After reading the chapter I found myself deep in thought. Why can human beings be so artfully cruel? We have been talking about suffering in this class, which in my personal opinion is the greatest character building emotion. I myself have had some personal suffering, but I have learned the most from watching people suffer. Ivan tells several stories of children suffering, and from those stories he tells us ( the readers ) he rejects God.

This passage of the book made me come to a different conclusion. All is suffering and all is fleeting, but what makes is fleeting? For most it is the believe in God or gods that makes the suffering bearable, the little girl in the outhouse crying out to Jesus, Job in the bible, his belief in God made his suffering bearable. So we must too have religion in our life just to make the suffering bearble.

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